Phone scraper will help users get in touch with potential customers in a reliable way. The information of businesses on Google Maps is completely real, because they must verify the address of the business before putting the address on Google Maps.Therefore, the ability to reach a real source of customers is extremely reliable, which gives users the opportunity to implement a sound business strategy, promote brand and increase revenue.
Phone scraper features, scrape thousands of phone number in minutes
Scrape phone numbers from Google Maps
Scrape names, addresses, rating and reviews from Google Maps
When you buy GmapExtractor software, we will provide you with 3 links: software link, desktop useragent file and mobile useragent file. Download all these files and unzip the GmapExtractor.rar then run the .exe file to open the software.
Use the provided license username and password to fill in Login and Password.
Click OK to log in to the GmapExtractor software.
The following screenshots will show you all setting parameters of the software:
Scrape: scrape data from Google map (phone, name, address, etc.)
Link To ID: get the map id according to the link.
B2. Run
This is the number of times that you want the software to run. You can leave it as the default.
B3. Threads
The number of threads is the number of tabs, accounts, or windows that run at the same time.
Each thread will open a separate browser which has different fingering and IP. Provide number of threads that complies with your computer configuration.
B4. Use Proxies
To avoid being locked out of your Google account, you should use proxies. If you don’t have Proxy, choose No Proxy to run the software.
B5. Proxy List
Create a text file which contains proxies, each proxy per line in format: IP:Port:Username:Password. Leave username and password empty if your proxy doesn’t have username and password (Some proxies work with IP authentication instead of using username and password).
Click => select the text file which contains proxies.
B6. Keyword List
Create a text file which contains keywords in order to search on Google Maps.
Click => select the text file which contains keywords.
B7. Address
Create a text file which contains provinces/ cities that you want to scrape on Google map.
Click => select the text file that contains provinces/cities.
B8. Page Limit
The number of pages is show as picture:
Enter the number of page limit that you want to scrape phone number into the software.
B9. Folder Data
Create a Data folder to save data after the software scrapped the phone number and and get the path to put into the setting as shown:
B10. Area Phone Code
Enter the area phone code.
B11. Data To Convert
If you select Link To ID, choose Data needed to get ID Maps to run.
Note:Data is available after running Scrape.
For example, here is the data after running Scrape:
B12. Sleep
Sleep is time waiting between two actions.
Note: Unit is millisecond (For example: 30000 = 30 seconds).
Click OK to run the software.
Select Show browser to see the running of the software.
C. Result
The results will be displayed in the Results dialog box.
Note: To save phone numbers, select All Results.
Phone number and store name will be saved in the txt file.
Phone number that you have scrapped will be saved in Data folder.
All customer information will be in Data.
Thank you for following the article, hope it will be useful for you!
Our Gmail Bot supports you to change your Gmail password in bulk quickly. Moreover, the software also integrates other functions such as rename Gmail, change Gmail avatar, and check login. Gmailprofile is a great tool for Gmail managers.
Avoid being banned on Google because of logging in too many gmails on the same IP or device.
Manage thousands of accounts without headache.
Save money..
How to use this gmail bot?
Follow this video to learn how to use this software. If you have any question, contact us.
A. How To Download Gmail Bot – Change Gmail Password In Bulk
When you buy GmailProfiler software, we will provide you with 3 links, consisting of software link; desktop useragent file and mobile useragent file. Download all these files and unzip the GmailProfiler.rar, then run the .exe file to open the software.
Use the provided license username and password to fill in Login and Password.
Click OK to login.
B. Instructions of each function – Change Gmail password in bulk – GmailProfiler
B1. Run
This is the number of times that you want the software to run. You can leave it as the default.
B2. Threads
The number of threads is the number of tabs, accounts, or windows that run at the same time.
Each thread will open a separate browser which has different fingering and IP. Provide number of threads that complies with your computer configuration.
B3. Action
Select a function on which you want to run the software.
Change Password
Check login
Change Avatar
Change Name
Enable POP3/IMP
Change Recovery Email
B4. Gmail data
>> Refer to this link HOW TO IMPORT DATA to learn how to import Gmail accounts with proxies into the software.
Note: The file which contains Gmail accounts includes: Gmail, password, recovery email, IP, port. You import data as the Template.
B5. UserAgent Desktop
Click on ==> select the useragent files that were downloaded as mentioned in Section A.
B6. Proxy Option
To avoid being locked out of your Gmail account, you should use proxies.
There are 3 options:
Account Proxy: Do the same as section B4. Each IP is associated with a gmail account.
File Proxy: There are 2 ways to import proxies:
Option 01: Put all proxies into a .txt file, each proxy per line in format: IP:Port:Username:Password. Leave username and password empty if your proxy doesn’t have username and password ( Some proxies work with IP authentication instead of using username and password).
Click => select the text file that contains proxies. And select “LinesFromFile” as shown below
Option 02: Prepare a website link which contains proxies, then get link into File Proxy and select “LinesFromUrl” as shown below
B7. Cookies Folder
Folder Cookies is a place where the software will store cookies and profiles of the accounts. Software will use cookies and profiles for the next runs without logging back into accounts. Create a new Cookies folder on any hardware disk that you want to save cookies and profile and get the path to put into the setting as shown
B8. New PassWord
Click in NewPassWord, Generate Lines will display.
Number 1: You can use Spintax format or select predefined Tips as shown in the following screenshot to create new password.
Number 2: press @Test to preview in Results.
B9. Avatar Folder
Create a folder which contains images to change Avatar.
Click => select folder containing images to change Avatar.
B10. First Name
Create a text file (.txt format) containing list of First Name. Each name is a line of the text file.
Click => select the text file which contains list of first name.
B11. Last Name
Take steps as those in B10.First Name.
B12. Recovery email
Create a text file which contains list of the recovery emails. Each email is a line of text file.
Click => select the text file that contains recovery email.
At Action => choose ChangePassword. Do the same as tutorial in section B1 to B8 of part B.
Update new Avatar:
At Action => select ChangeAvatar. Do the same as tutorial in section B1 to B7 and B9 of part B.
Alter Name:
At Action => choose ChangeName. Do the same as tutorial in section B1 to B7, B10, and B11 of part B.
Check login:
At Action => choose Check login. Do the same as tutorial in section B1 to B7 of part B.
Change Recovery Email:
At Action => select Change Recovery Email. Do the same as tutorial in section B1 to B7 and B12 of part B.
Enable POP3/IMP:
At Action => choose Enable POP3/IMP. Do the same as tutorial in section B1 to B7 of part B.
D. Results
Select Show browser to see the running of the software.
E. Advanced Setting of Gmail Bot
Click Settting => Show Advanced.
This is the interface of the advanced the gmail bot:
New functions:
Read file: Run functions from top to bottom
Write file: Delete Input files
Mix lines: Run functions out of order
Max Success usage: Set the number of successful runs.
Max fail usage: Set the number of fail runs. The software will run until the account is successfully logged in or skip the account if the number of times you set is exceeded.
YouTube Playlist Bot can create and manage YouTube Playlist, which will be an effective support tool for those who want to develop YouTube channels. A playlist is a collection of videos share some common characteristics on the channel, so it is considered as a place to keep users to stay watching your videos longer. The more views the channel has, the more stable the channel will be. You can make money from the advertising of Youtube.
Create a playlist with a custom title, tag, description
Auto search Top videos for keywords and insert to new Playlist.
Video Tutorial
How To Use YoutubePlaylist to create and manage Youtube Playlist?
A. Login
When you buy YoutubePlaylist software, we will provide you with 3 links, consisting of software link, desktop useragent file and mobile useragent file. Download all these files and unzip the YoutubePlaylist.rar then run the .exe file to open the software.
Use the provided license username and password to fill in Login and Password.
Click OK to login.
The following screenshot will show you all setting parameters of the software
Each thread will open a separate browser which has different fingering and IP. Provide number of threads that complies with your computer configuration.
B5. IP Option
To avoid being locked out of your account when creating and manage YouTube Playlist, you should use proxies.
B5.1 Dcom
Select Dcom at IP Option if you have Dcom (HSDPA type), you do not need to prepare file/web proxy.
B5.2. UseProxy
In case you want to use proxy with email, select Useproxy at IP Option, and you need to create excel file, including Gmail,Password,Recoverymail,IP:Port. Refer to B6.Gmail to learn how to import email and proxy.
B5.3. FileProxy
At IP Option, select Fileproxy in case you want to use file proxy or link web proxy.
Next, at File Proxy, you choose one of these two options:
In case you select Lines From File, you create a text file in which you will put the proxies one per line. Click on => select the proxy file created.
In case you Lines From Url, you paste the proxy address link into File proxy section as shown
Note: Proxy format is IP:Port:Username:Password. Leave username and password empty if your proxy doesn’t have username and password ( Some proxies work with IP authentication instead of using username and password).
B5.4. No proxy
At IP Option, select No
The software will use the IP of your computer to create Facebook accounts.
Note: If you run too many accounts on the same IP, your accounts will be banned. Therefore, this option should be only used to run the number of fewer than 10 accounts.
Note: The file which contains Gmail accounts includes: Gmail, password, recovery email, IP, port. Leave the IP and Port blank in case you select Dcom, Fileproxy or No at IP Option section. You import data as the Template.
B7. Folder cookies
Folder Cookies is a place where the software will store cookies and profiles of the accounts. Software will use cookies and profiles for the next runs without logging back into accounts. Create a new Cookies folder on any hardware disk that you want to save cookies and profile and get the path to put into the setting as shown:
B8. Folder data
Do the same as Folder cookies.
B9. Random delay
Random delay is time waiting between two actions (in millisecond).
Note: Unit is millisecond (Ex: 30000 = 30 seconds).
B10. Sleep
Do the same as Random Delay.
B11. Key
The software will decode when being asked for Captcha code.
B12. Playlist Title
Create a text file which contains Playlist title that you want to name in your channel. Get the path of the text file and paste it into Playlist Title.
Note: Each Playlist tittle is a line in the text file.
B13. Tag List
Create a text file containing keywords that related to your playlist.
Note: Each keyword is a line in the text file.
Get the path of the text file and paste it into Tag list.
B14. Link To Insert
Create a text file containing link of videos that you want to insert into the playlist.
For example:
This is the video link you need to insert into the playlist.
Copy link and paste it into .txt file (each link of video is a line of the text file).
In Link to insert, click => select the text file containing the link of videos.
Set up the position of the video in the playlist in Video Position.
For example: If you want the video to be placed from 1st to 5th in the playlist, follow the picture:
B15. Custom channel
If you want to name of channel, click Yes (tutorial how to set up name of Playlist title in section B11). Otherwise, choose No.
B16. Video/playlist
Enter the number of videos that you need to create in each playlist into Video/Playlist field.
For example:
If you need 9-15 videos in each Playlist, set up as picture:
B17. Insert Video Directly
If you want to insert a playlist, click YES (tutorial in section B13). Otherwise, choose NO.
Check all items, click OK to run the software.
Click Show browser to see how the software runs.
Note: all results will be displayed on the Results dialog box.
Thank you for following the article, hope it useful for you!
Telegram member adder Bots help user text, add members, post to Telegram groups, etc. automatically.Calls and messages on Telegram are encrypted at the sender’s phone and transferred to the recipient’s phone, which brings absolute security to users. Therefore, a huge number of people are using Telegram. Telegram Member Adder Bots give users the opportunity to implement a sound business strategy, promote the brand and increase revenue.
When you buy TelegramAutomation software, we will provide you with 3 links, consisting of software link, desktop useragent file and mobile useragent file. Download all these files and unzip the TelegramAutomation.rar, then run the .exe file to open the software.
Use the provided license username and password to fill in Login and Password.
Click OK to login.
The following screenshot will show you all setting parameters of the software:
A1. Choose Action
Select a function that you want the software to run.
Note: The file which contains Telegram accounts includes:Phone, Sim, Username, Proxy, Port. You can leave the Username or Proxy and Port as blank if you You import data as the Template.
A3. Number Run
This is the number of times that you want the software to run. You can leave it as the default.
A4. Threads
The number of threads is the number of tabs, accounts, or windows that run at the same time.
Each thread will open a separate browser which has different fingering and IP. Provide number of threads that complies with your computer configuration.
A5. Max Add Per Day
Enter the max number of members per account that you want to add per day.
The more accounts you have, the faster speed it will get to add members
A6. Sleep
Sleep is time to wait between two actions.
Note: Unit is millisecond. (30000 = 30 seconds).
A7. List of Users and Groups
Create a folder named “DATA” to contain the list of users and links to the group (.txt format).
Note: the link group has the following form: . Replace “groupusername” with the group’s username.
Select and upload the members list and groups list (.txt format).
A8. Folder Cookies and Folder Data
Folder Cookies is a place where the software will store cookies and profiles of the accounts. Software will use cookies and profiles for the next runs without logging back into accounts. Create a new Cookies folder on any hardware disk that you want to save cookies and profiles and get the path to put into the setting as shown:
Do the same with Folder Data.
A9. Use Proxies From File
To avoid being locked out of your Telegram account, you should use proxies.
If you choose “YES”, there will be 2 Proxy options: 1. LinesFromFile: Proxy from “File” (create a text file which contains proxies) 2. LinesFromUrl: Proxy from “Web”.
Choose No if you don’t have proxy.
A10. Proxy Method
Choose the suitable Proxy method for the provider.
A11. User-Agent:
Click on ==> select the useragent files that were downloaded as mentioned at the beginning of Section A.
A12. Phone Code Area
Enter the phone number area code of Telegram accounts.
For example: If phone number of Telegram accounts is in Viet Nam, enter +84 in Phone Code Area section.
A13. Photo Folder
Create a folder which contains photos to upload avatar.
Create another folder which contains photo for sending message to users.
A14. Message:
Create a text file which contains the content that you want to message to online users in groups.
A15. Message per account
Supply the number of messages per account in these fields incase you run “Message to List Users” function,
For example: if you want each account to send 1 – 4 messages to online users, perform as picture below:
B. Run the software’s functions
B1. Upload Avatar
At Choose Action, select “Upload Avatar“. Check Avatar item (tutorial in A.12 section), click “OK“.
If Telegram accounts are not logged in, the software will automatically log into the accounts, the interface will appear as shown below, select “Captcha“.
At the same time, you open the Telegram application and log into the accounts.
Each account will be sent a code. You need to get the corresponding code and press “Enter“. The software will automatically log in.
Click on the Browsers to see how the software runs.
After logging in, the software will run the “Upload Avatar” function.
After updating Avatar, the software will have the results as picture below.
B2. Check Login
At Choose Action, select “Check Login” ==> Click “OK“.
Click Show Browser to see how the software runs.
After “Check Login”, the software will have the following results:
B3. Scrape Online Users
Select “Scrape Online Users” at Choose Action.
In the Groups section, enter the list of groups that you want to scrape. Press “OK“.
Click Show Browser to see how the software runs.
Click “Results” to get the results of the member list that the software Scraped.
The list of users will be saved in the “Data” folder.
B4. Join Group
Select “Join Group” ==> Click “OK“.
B5. Add Users To Group
You must “Join Group” before running this function.
Select “Add Users To Group” ==> select List Of Users ==> Click “OK“.
Members who did not accept to join the group will be displayed “Not Allowed” as shown above.
Note: In case you want to remove the notification of people who were added to the group, search “@Joinleft_bot” on the Telegram app, click “Start” then add this to the group that you want to remove the notification from.
B6. Post Group
At Choose Action, select “Post group”.
In the “DATA” folder, Create a text file containing the image and another text file containing content for post.
Note: message format is “name of picture .jpg, content of message”. In case you do not have photo folder or do not want to send photos to group, copy this format of photo then supply the message you want to send to group after comma.
Import files that contains images and contents.
Select “Post Group” ==> Click “OK“.
Click on Show Browser to see the software running.
Here is the results after running the Post Group function:
B7. Message Online Users
At Choose Action, select “Message Online Users“.
Create a text file to contain contents
In “Message“, click => select the content file.
Create a text file to contain links of groups.
In “Group“, click => select the group file that you want to send message.
Press “OK“.
Click Show Browser to see how the software runs.
Result of running the “Message Online Users” function:
Local SEO Tool/ SEO Google Maps is one of the best ways to help your businesses appear on all search results when someone searches for terms related to your industry, service, or product.And this is one of the effective online marketing solutions for you to promote and introduce your products and services to customers.
Main features of LocalGoogleMaps Bot
Support proxy/Dcom
Multi-threading software
Simulate millions of different users to search your Map
Increase the number of searches for direction to your Map location
Constantly updated according to Google Maps changes.
When you buy LocalGoogleMap software, we will provide you with 3 links: software link, desktop useragent file and mobile useragent file. Download all these files and unzip the LocalGoogleMap.rar then run the .exe file to open the software.
The following screenshot will show you all setting parameters of the software:
B. Detailed settings of LocalGoogleMaps Bot – Local SEO Tool?
B1. Sleep Time
Sleep is time waiting between two actions.
Note: Unit is millisecond (For example 30000 = 30 seconds).
B2. Run:
This is the number of times that you want the software to run. You can leave it as the default.
B3. Threads
The number of threads is the number of tabs, accounts, or windows that run at the same time.
Each thread will open a separate browser which has different fingerings and use distinct IP. Provide number of threads that complies with your computer configuration.
B4. UserAgents (Desktop)
Click on ==> select the useragent files that were downloaded as mentioned in Section A.
B5. IP Option
To avoid being locked out of your Gmail account, you should use IP.
Choose Dcom or proxylist.
B6. File Proxy
If you choose Proxy in IP Option, create a text file which contains Proxies.
YoutubeLivechat Tool can Increase YouTube Live-stream Views as well as customize video watch time and number of comments, etc. This creates herb effect in order to attract more viewers, which helps save marketing cost and increase sales for a sound business plan.
When you buy YouTubeLiveChat software, we will provide you with 3 links: software link, desktop useragent file and mobile useragent file. Download all these files and unzip the YouTubeLiveChat.rar then run the .exe file to open the software.
Use the provided license username and password to fill in Login and Password.
Click OK to login.
You choose one of two ways:
Run Now: Run the software instantly
Schedule application: Schedule the application to run at specific time
B. How to use YoutubeLiveChat Software to increase YouTube Live-stream views?
B1. Run
This is the number of times that you want the software to run. You can leave it as the default.
B2. Threads
The number of threads is the number of tabs, accounts, or windows that run at the same time.
Each thread will open a separate browser which has different fingering and IP. Provide number of threads that complies with your computer configuration.
B3. Gmail
>>Refer to this link HOW TO IMPORT DATA to learn how to import accounts into the software
Note: The data imported includes: Email,Password,Recovery Email,Proxy,Port. You import data as the Template. You can leave Proxy and Port empty if you select From File or No proxy at Proxy Source section.
Select the groups that you want to run in Gmail section.
B4. Video Option
There are two options:
Random: the software will choose a random video that is live to run.
List: the software will run with list of videos. Create a text file containing link of videos that you want to run.
Click in the “List Videos” section => select the text file which contains links of videos.
B5. Useragent (DeskTop)
Click on ==> select the useragent files that were downloaded as mentioned in Section A.
B6. Proxy Source
To avoid being locked out of your Instagram account, you should use proxies.
From Data
If you choose From Data, the software will use proxies that you import in Section B3.
From File
If you choose From File, select LinesFromFile at File Proxy=> click => select the text file that contains proxies.
The proxy format is IP:Port:Username:Password. Leave username and password empty if your proxy doesn’t have username and password (Some proxies work with IP authentication instead of using username and password). Each proxy is a line of the text file.
No Proxy
If you don’t have Proxy, choose No Proxy to run the software. Running so many Gmail accounts on the same IP can lead to your accounts locked.
B7. Folder Cookies
Folder Cookies is a place where the software will store cookies and profiles of the accounts. Software will use cookies and profiles for the next runs without logging back into accounts. Create a new Cookies folder on any hardware disk that you want to save cookies and profiles and get the path to put into the setting as shown:
B8. Folder Data
Do the same as Folder Cookies.
B9. Restore Cookies
You choose Yes to restore Cookies, otherwise choose No.
B10. Comment
Create a text file which contains the content for comment.
You can use Spintax format as shown:
Click => select the text file which contains comments:
B11. Chat Per Account
You set the number of livestream comments for each account here:
B12. Like Video
If you want to like videos, choose Yes. Otherwise, choose No.
B13. Watch Time
This is time watching video (in millisecond) .
Note: Unit is millisecond. (For example: 30000 = 30 seconds).
B14. Random Delay
This is time waiting between 2 actions (in millisecond).
For example: 30000 = 30 seconds.
B15. Key captcha
The software will decode itself when being asked for Captcha code.
C. Run
Click OK to run the software.
Select Show browser to see the running of the software.
All software activities are listed in the Log section.
The results will be displayed in the Results dialog box
There are millions of videos that are uploaded to YouTube daily. How can you rank your video? This is a big question for any YouTuber. Using our QniTubeAction Tool, you can increase YouTube views, SEO your keywords on YouTube Search, increase YouTube likes, increase YouTube comments, increase YouTube subscribers for your YouTube channels. There are many reasons why you should use QniTubeAction YouTube Tools:
Manage unlimited YouTube accounts, YouTube video links
Increase YouTube views by using Gmail (Software will login multiple Gmail with different proxies to increase determined views)
Support cookies/Profile so that the software doesn’t have to log in to Gmail for each run. The software will login to each Gmail account one time to generate cookies and profiles. Next run it will load cookies or profile to run.
Support HTTP/Sock proxies or Dcom 3G
Support auto solving captcha
Main features of QniTubeAction – Increase YouTube views
How to use QniTubeAction YouTube Tool to Increase YouTube views?
In order to use our tool, you need to have Gmail accounts and Proxies. You can buy both Gmail accounts and Proxies from us. The following screenshots will show all setting parameters for QniTubeAction Tool:
Runs: Set the number of times you want to run.
Threads: The number of threads is the number of tabs, accounts. or windows that run at the same time.
Time View: Time to watch your main YouTube videos (in milliseconds).
Time View Related Video: To simulate human actions, the software will watch random videos before watching your main video. It also watches a recommended video after watching your main video. This parameter sets time to watch these videos (Milliseconds).
UserAgents: Link to a useragent file which is provided when you buy the software
Proxy or Dcom4G:
Dcom: Use Dcom4G (HSDPA Type) to change IP for each run
UseProxy: Use proxies that are attached along with Gmail accounts
FileProxy: Use proxies from a text file
Webproxy: Use proxies from a web
Gmail List: A text file that contains all Gmail accounts. Each Gmail is a line in the text file with format: Email, Password, RecoveryEmail, Proxy, Port. If there is no proxy or port, the format will be: Email, Password, RecoveryEmail.
Folder Cookies: Set a path to a folder where you want to store gmail cookies. This is an important setting. You should make this folder in a disk that has the largest empty space
Folder data: Set a path to a folder where you want to store data files (commented Gmail accounts, liked Gmail accounts…)
Cookies or Profile: Select Cookies if you want to restore sections from cookies or select Profile if you wanna work with Profile.
Create Profile: Choose Yes if you want to create or use Profile. Using Gmail with Profile will create a folder that has a logged-in Gmail account. Our tool will load profiles to use logged-in Gmail so that it will not take time to login Gmail again for each run. Creating Profiles will take lots of space on disk but this will gain trust for your gmail accounts instead of using cookies. Therefore, using profile will minimize drops of views, likes, sub, etc.
File comment: A text file with your comments, each comment will be a line in the text file. Spin-tax is supported.
View Method
Search: Search keywords and find your videos to watch from search results. You will need to set Search Data
Direct: Load your YouTube video links directly to watch
Playlist: Watch videos in your playlist. You need to set Playlist Data
Homepage: Find and watch videos from Homepage
List Videos: Link to your video file (.txt).
Search Data: Define your keywords and video positions in Data
Key Captcha: 2captcha key to solve google recaptcha automatically
Random delays: random delays between actions (Milliseconds)
Rent Gmail: If you don’t have many Gmail accounts, you can rent Gmail cookies from us.
Playlist: Define your Playlist in Data
View per Gmail: If your playlist has 10 videos and you want to view random 2 to 5 videos each run, you can set it here.
The following screenshot shows an example of data set for running the software with the Search Method
Detailed User Manual – QniTubeAction
Use the provided license username and password to fill in Login and Password.
Click OK to login.
1. Run
This is the number of times that you want the software to run. You can leave it as the default.
2. Threads
The number of threads is the number of tabs, accounts. or windows that run at the same time to Increase YouTube views.
Each thread will open a separate browser which has different fingering and IP. Provide number of threads that complies with your computer configuration.
With strong computer, you can run many threads at the same time. For example, a Core i7 Ram 8G computer can run 30-40 tabs at the same time.
Click on “Browser” to see how the software runs.
3. Time View Main Video
Time to watch a YouTube video (milliseconds).
4. Time View Related Video
To simulate human actions, the software will watch random videos before watching your main video to increase YouTube views. It also watches a recommended video after watching your main video. Time View Related Videos is the time to watch these videos (in milliseconds).
5. Devices
You will be given two user-agent files (Desktop and Mobile). Select the icon to select the file as shown. Depending on the intended use, choose the corresponding emulator.
With DESKTOP user-agents, you can run all software features.
With MOBILE user-agents you can run View Method = Direct, View Method = Search, Like Function, Subscribe Function.
6.Proxy or Dcom4G
You can choose one of the following ways to change the IP:
Dcom: You need to have a Dcom. You cannot run multi-thread with Dcom
Useproxy: Use the proxy that comes with your Gmail account. See the instructions at section 7.
Fileproxy: Put proxies into a txt file. Each proxy per line in format: IP:Port:Username:Password. Leave username and password empty if your proxy doesn’t have username and password (Some proxies work with IP authentication instead of using username and password).
Click on => select the proxy file
Webproxy: You need to prepare a link containing your proxies, then put the link in the WebProxy field as shown below.
No Proxy
This option is not recommended. You need proxies to increase views and avoid getting your gmail accounts banned.
6. Use Gmail
At Use Gmail section, select No if you do not want to use Gmail accounts.
Note: The option of No Gmail accounts will only work with increasing views function. You should use Gmail accounts for all functions and maintaining the increased number of views, subscribes, likes, etc.
In case you select Yes at Use Gmail section, do as follows:
First, create an email file (.txt format), each gmail account per line in format: Gmail, password, recovery email, proxy, port.
Next, at Gmail section, click on =>select the created Gmail file.
7. Non-gmail profile
Note: This section is only applied for running the bot when you select No in Use Gmail section.
Set the number of profiles (in according with different devices) that you want to run in the Non-gmail profile section as shown below. Profiles are created in random order without Gmail. Profiles will save all information and characteristics of devices such as kind of devices, sizes of screen, screen card, etc. Using profiles will consume hard drive space, the more you run, the larger capacity of each profile takes.
8. Folder Cookies
First, create a folder name “Cookies “
Copy the folder path, then paste it into the blank in the “Folder Cookies” section as shown.
9. Folder Data
First, create a folder name ” Data “
Copy the folder path, then paste it into the blank in the “Folder Data” section as shown.
10. Cookies or Profile
When gmail accounts are successfully logged in, software will create cookies and profiles for these gmail accounts and save them in Cookies folder.
The difference between Profiles and Cookies: Profiles save all login information and characteristics of the login device such as Device type, screen size, video card, etc. while Cookies only save the login state. Using profiles will consume hard drive space, the more you run, the larger capacity of each profile takes, but in return it will increase reliability and reduce the drop of views, subs, and likes. Using cookies takes almost no space, but is not as reliable as using profiles. Gmail’s cookies will expire within a month, then if you run with cookies, you have to delete the cookies folder and let Gmail log in again. If running with Profiles, the login status of Gmail is permanently maintained except Gmail accounts are blocked (Phone verification, Disabled).
11. Create Profile
If you want to create Profiles, select Yes, otherwise choose No. This function is used to save profiles of Gmail accounts, then there is no need to log in again in case using other apps which support profile function.
12. Comment
You should use Spintax in the comment content file for flexible content.
You can create a text file with the content to comment as picture:
At Comment section, click on =>select the file containing the content
13. View Video, Will Comment, Like Video, Will Sub, Like Comment.
Select Yes for the action that you want to run.
Will Comment: If you choose Yes, you need to set up the comment file in Section 12.
Will Sub: If you choose Yes, you need to set the number in Daily Limit/Channel. This function is used to limit number of Subscribes for each channel per day
The file containing keywords includes: Keywords, Text click, Rank. Refer to this Template.No need to fill in the Rank field.
The video needs to be on the first 10 pages for the software to be able to find it
The software does not recognize special characters (double quotation mark).Therefore, there is no need to enter full of the video title in the Text Click field if your title consists special characters.
Some videos will have the same title, so you need to see how the browsers run to make sure that the software are watching your video. Otherwise, check and change the title in Text Click.
You can enter multiple keywords .Choose the keywords that you want to SEO on the TOP of YouTube search.
In case you want to increase views of videos in order as in the text file containing video, select Setting => Show Advanced.
Then, turn off the Mix rows setting.
14.2 Direct
At View Method section, select Direct.
Create a text file that contains the video links that you want to increase views.
Click on => select the text file containing video that you have just created.
14.3 Playlist
At View Method section, select Playlist => select the group that you want to use from Data as shown:
How to create a playlist in Playlist Database?
Step 1: Click on Data => The “Data manager” dialog box will display => select “Playlist Data” table as shown below:
Step 2: Click –> Add Group
The “Group Dialog” dialog box will display, you enter group information.
Step 3: Select the button on the right corner of the dialog box –> select Add Item. Enter information including:
Playlist URL: Link of playlist
To get the link, you put the cursor on the playlist, right click and select as shown:
Video Position: Video position in playlist. For example, a playlist has 10 videos and you only want to watch the 5th video, enter: 5
Watch Time (Miliseconds): Time to watch a YouTube video (milliseconds).
Step 4: Select the group of videos in the “playlist”.
14.4 HomePage
With this feature, all Gmail accounts need to subscribe the channel before watching the video. Views from this method are counted as “Browser Features” in YouTube Studio. The bot will visit homepage and find the videos from the channel subscribed to watch these videos.
At View Method section, select Playlist, then do as the following steps:
Step 1: Take phrases which are parts of the video’s titles that you want to increase views and put into a text file.
Step 2: Click on in the Homepage Videos to select the file which is created in Step 1
14.5 Channel
At View Method section, select Channel
Set up the data as steps mentioned at section 14.1
The software will watch main video from the keyword search result then go to the channel and watch random video from channel.
This method will help videos to be recommended easily.
14.6 Traffic source from Facebook
This function will help you increase views of YouTube video which is shared on Fanpage.
At View Method section, select Facebook.
Next, you create a text file containing links of Facebook posts which share link of YouTube video.
How to take the links of Facebook posts mentioned above?
First, share link of YouTube video on Fanpage (if you have already shared it, skip this step).
Next, click on the time that you shared video on Fanpage.
Finally, Copy link of post and paste it into the text file created.
15. Random Delay
Random delays between actions (Milliseconds).
16. Rent Gmail
If you are renting gmail cookies at, then select YES. In the Rented Cookies field, choose the cookies file that you have purchased.
Choose Cookies instead of Profile in Section 10.
If you want to create profiles from these cookies, select Yes in Section 11. The software will create profiles from the rented cookie files.
After all cookies are transferred into Profiles, you can select Profile in Section 10.
17. View Per Gmail
This function is applied to PlayList view method.
As shown below, a Gmail account will go to the Playlist, randomly watch 2 to 5 videos in this Playlist. If you run 10 threads (Thread=10), there will be 10 different Gmail accounts at the same time, each account will randomly watch 3 to 5 videos in the Playlist before closing the browser and changing to another account.
18. Random View Time
The software will watch Playlist Videos with the watching time you set in Item 14.3, plus and minus randomly with this viewing time.
19. Comment community; Dislike; Human Activities and Skip Ads
Comment Community: This function is used to comment on YouTube Community Post.
Dislike: The bot will dislike the videos after watching
Human activities: The bot will scroll to front and back, then randomly click pause or play.
Skip Ads: This is to skip ads if there are ads on the videos while watching
Select Yes if you want the bot to perform each of these functions. Otherwise, select No.
20. Clear Caches
At this section, when the hard disk drive space is fully used, select Yes, the bot will remove caches in the profile, helping to reduce memory space but Gmails are still in login mode.
Finally, click OK.
Click Show browser to see the running process of the software.
You can see activity status of the software in the Log section.
After purchasing the software, please download the software to your computer and extract it then log in with username and password that are provided by Autobotsoft.
If you choose From Data, click Data in the lower left corner of the software. The account management panel will display. Do the same with section 1 ofpart II.
If you choose From File:
Option 1: Paste the proxy address link (for LinesFromUrl section).
Option 2: Create a text file in which you will put the proxies. Each proxy per line in format: IP:Port:Username:Password. Leave username and password empty if your proxy doesn’t have username and password (Some proxies work with IP authentication instead of using username and password).
At File Proxy, click => choose the text file which contains proxies.
If you don’t have Proxy, choose No Proxy to run the software. Running so many Instagram accounts on the same IP can lead to your accounts locked.
9. Folder Cookies
Folder Cookies is a place where the software will store cookies and profiles of the accounts. Software will use cookies and profiles for the next runs without login the accounts again. Create a new Cookies folder on any hardware disk that you want to save cookies and profile and get the path to put into the setting as shown:
10. Folder Data
Do the same with Folder Cookies.
11. Random Delay
Random Delay is time (in milliseconds) waiting between two actions.
Note: Unit is millisecond (For example 30000 = 30 seconds).
12. Comment Content
Create a text file that contains contents of comments. Each content is a line in the text file.
At Comment Content, click => select the text file which contains contents.
C. How to run each function of Action Section
1. Comment By Link
At Action, choose Comment By Link.
At Video to Comment, click => choose the text file which contains links of videos that you want to comment.
Check Comment Content (tutorial in section 12 of part B) => Click OK.
2. Comment By Tab
At Action, choose Comment By Tag.
At Tag, click => choose the text file which contains tag that you want to comment.
Check Search Filter section => Check Comment Content (tutorial in section 12 of part B) => click OK.
Note: Videos have been commented will be saved in Not in Groups of Database Manager.
3. Like and Reply to Comment
In Action, choose Like and Reply To Comment.
At Link to Reply/Like, choose Group containing links that you want to reply.
At Reply Content, click => choose the text file which contains contents to reply.
4. Like Comment
At Action, choose Like Comment.
At Link to Reply/Like, choose group that contains links to like comment.
How to use GoogleAdsLearner Bot to Spy your Challenger’s ads on Google?
When you buy GoogleAdsLearner software, we will provide you with 3 links: software link, desktop useragent file and mobile useragent file. Download all these files and unzip the GoogleAdsLearner.rar then run the .exe file to open the software.
The following screenshot will show you all setting parameters of the software:
This is the number of times that you want the software to run. You can leave it as the default.
B2. Threads
The number of threads is the number of tabs, accounts, or windows that run at the same time.
Each thread corresponds with a window that is opened. Provide number of threads that complies with your computer configuration.
B3. Useragent (Mobi); Useragent (Desktop)
Click on ==> select the useragent files that were downloaded as mentioned in Section A.
B4. IP Source
To avoid being locked out of your Gmail accounts, you should use IP.
If you choose Dcom, prepare a Dcom HSDPA type.
From File
If you choose From File, create a text file in which you will put the proxies one per line (for the LinesFromFile section), or paste the proxy address link (for LinesFromUrl section). Each proxy per line in format: IP:Port:Username:Password. Leave username and password empty if your proxy doesn’t have username and password (Some proxies work with IP authentication instead of using username and password).
B5. WhiteList Domains
Method 1: Choose LinesFromFile
Create a text file (.txt format) which contains websites that you do not need to scrape data on Google Ads.
Click => Select the text file containing websites.
Method 2: ChooseFixedstring.
Create the Spintax format like the following example and enter in WhiteList.
Create a text file containing keywords that you want to search in Google:
Click => select the text file containing keywords:
B7. Use Gmail?
Prepare the input Gmail.
If you choose Yes, do the same as tutorial in section B8, B10 below. If you don’t have Gmail, choose No.
B8. Gmail Account
Create a text file (.txt format) that contains Gmail accounts. Gmail format is “Gmail name, password, recovery email“.
Choose => select the text file that contains Gmail accounts.
B9. Sleep
Sleep is time waiting between two actions.
Note: Unit is millisecond (For example 30000 = 30 seconds).
B10. Cookies Path
Folder Cookies is a place where the software will store cookies and profiles of the accounts. Software will use cookies and profiles for the next runs without logging back into accounts. Create a new Cookies folder on any hardware disk that you want to save cookies and profiles, and get the path to put into the setting as shown:
B11. Rent Cookies?
Prepare the input Gmail cookies.
If you choose Yes, do the same as section B12 below.
If you don’t rent Gmail cookies choose No.
Note: If you select Yes in the “Rent cookies” section, select No in the “Use Gmail” section. And vice versa.
B12. Rented Cookies File
Prepare a text file containing Gmail cookies.
Click => select the text file that contains Gmail cookies.
B13. Check Ads in Detail
Select Yes to see the details of the Websites that running ads. Otherwise, choose No.
Checked all items, click OK to run.
Select Show browser to see the running of the software.
InstagramCreator Tool will help users create bulk Instagram accounts automatically, which will save users’ time and money as well as address all issues that arisen in creating a large number of Gmail accounts.
Main features InstagramCreator Tool
Multi-thread support
Create unlimited Instagram accounts
Support proxy to change IP
Auto solve captcha
Autosave proxy, cookies
Schedule automatic Instagram account creation by using the scheduler tool.
Video Tutorial
When you buy InstagramCreator software, we will provide you with 3 links, consisting of software link, desktop useragent file and mobile useragent file. Download all these files and unzip the InstagramCreator.rar then run the .exe file to open the software.
Enter the provided account and password in the dialog box.
Click OK to log into the InstagramCreator software.
You choose one of two ways:
Run now: Run the software instantly.
Schedule: Schedule the application to run at specific time.
The following screenshot will show you all setting parameters of the software:
There are 3 features:
1. Reg With Temp Mail: Create an account with temporary mail.
2. Reg With Phone: Create an account with a phone number.
3. Reg With Gmail: Create an account with Gmail.
A. Detailed settings
A1. NumberRun
This is the number of times that you want the software to run. You can leave it as the default.
A2. Thread number
The number of threads is the number of tabs, accounts, or windows that run at the same time.
Each thread corresponds with a window that is opened. Provide number of threads that complies with your computer configuration.
A3. Proxy Source
There are 3 options for setting this function:
From File
First, create a text file that contains proxies. Each proxy per line in format: IP:Port:Username:Password. Leave username and password empty if your proxy doesn’t have username and password (Some proxies work with IP authentication instead of using username and password).
Next, get the link of the text file and paste it into File Proxy.
If you rent proxies. Paste the proxy address link here.
No Proxy
If you don’t have Proxy, choose No Proxy to run the software. Create many Instagram accounts on the same IP can lead to your accounts locked.
A4. User-Agents:
Click on ==> select the useragent files that were downloaded as mentioned in Login section.
A5. OTP Country
Select the country where you want to create accounts.
Enter the phone code area number of country.
A6. Firstname, Lastname, Password, Username
Click in the First Name/Lastname/Password/Username section to define the names that you want to change. You can use Spintax format or you can select predefined Tips as shown in the following screenshot:
Note:Spintax format is {Rona|Hee|Eun|Eugene|Mari|Jenny|Logan}.
A7. Key
The software will automatically decode google recaptcha.
At web to rent OTP, copy API Key and paste it into the OTP API KEY section.
D. How To Create Instagram Account With Gmail – InstagramCreator Tool
D1. Action
Choose Reg With Gmail.
Check all items (Tutorial in part B).
D2. Create Profiles
If you want to create Profiles, select Yes, otherwise choose No.
What is the difference between Profile and Cookies?: Profile saves all login information and characteristics of login device such as Device type, screen size, video card… Cookies save login state. Using profiles will consume hard drive space, the more you run, the larger the capacity of each profile, but in return increase reliability and reduce accounts lockout. Using cookies takes almost no space, but is not as reliable as using profiles. Instagram cookies will expire within a month, then if you run with cookies, you must delete the cookies folder and let your Instagram account log in again. If you run with Profiles, Instagram’s login status is maintained forever.
D3. Folder Cookies
Folder Cookies is a place where the software will store cookies and profiles of the accounts. Software will use cookies and profiles for the next runs without logging back into accounts. Create a new Cookies folder on any hardware disk that you want to save cookies and profile and get the path to put into the setting as shown: